(2014-06-18 5:51 PM)
I'm glad someone has the right words to share what I'm thiiknng. Chastity is difficult. The stronger the desire, the more important it is to embrace chastity. Control is one thing my generation needs to learn. It is in control that true peace and freedom can grow.Right and wrong isn't determined by a majority standing. The fact that it's difficult for most of a population has nothing to do with whether or not the action is right. Supporting, or even promoting an action that hurts or disrespects another is wrong. People have a right to decide their own course of action, but asking an educational institution to support/encourage it, especially when others find it morally offensive, doesn't sit quite right.It's true that desire makes chastity more difficult. That's when I cling harder to what I know in my heart is right. Chastity is about respect. I respect myself in my own sexuality, my future life companion, my partner, and my partner's future life companion. (Note that if my current partner is my future life companion, I respect myself and my other self twice over). What feels good in the moment shouldn't turn bitter in the future, or worse, with regret. If I share the most intimate part of my being with another, I want that other to be a part of the rest of my being; I want to share my life with that person, and I want to share in theirs.I want to be able, on my wedding day, to say I waited for you my beautiful, most precious, love. Every relationship I've been in, every moment I've shared with another, I thought of the unknown companion of my life. I want to be able to walk up to this person, look in their eyes and know I've done nothing to hurt them. Sex is just the most obvious thing I'm waiting for marriage to share.People may reject it for its burden and shun chastity for its difficulty; but, when has anything right been easy in its action?Why do I choose chastity? Everything has a price. I'm personally willing to pay the toll now for something even better later; my other self is out there in the world somewhere, and they are worth the wait. This is a lesson I'm grateful to have learned before my second decade of life I can see why others chose to walk another path, and I respect their decision, especially if they have thought about it and reflected. I have chosen my way. Thank you to those who do not understand, yet respect the way I choose to live; I am grateful. I have attempted to share what I think to help you understand where I am coming from, and I would be grateful if those who chose otherwise to share why…One final note I would like to make. Many of my friends believe chastity is an easy way out of what we fear. It takes every ounce of effort not to laugh at their understanding of what I chose, but I remember that they are not mind readers. For me anyway, such a statement cannot be further from the truth.First off, chastity is not easy. Restrain yourself from eating your favorite snack for a week and we'll talk about this again.Second, people who practice chastity feel the same amount of desire as everyone else. However, we find other ways to share the desire. Holding hands, the classic staring into each other’s eyes, sharing a moment, laughing, dreaming of the future together… such trivial interactions between every couple takes on new and deeper meanings when both share the gift of chastity. The intensity and sincerity of every sweet nothing shared between us never fails to amaze me.Finally, everyone's afraid of their first act of intercourse. I've been told by couples that have committed themselves for life that sharing that fear creates a bond protected by marriage. So saying chastity is a form of avoiding fear isn’t quite fight. It is a means of using that fear to protect something greater: a life commitment. It’d be interesting to see the relationship between divorce rates and premarital sex.I promise this is my last comment: Chastity isn’t about walking to the alter a virgin. There are people who feel they made the wrong choice earlier in life and commit to chastity later. That doesn’t make a person any less chaste. One could argue they are more so for lifting themselves from one life choice to another one. With that caveat, I’d be interested to learn about other viewpoints.