In front of you - a collection of themes for the holders of the
operating system, Windows 7. If you like to change the look of Windows
7, so this collection - for you.
Pack contain
Frost Aero by Minhtrimatrix Snow Leopard for Win7 Beta2 Sonye Theme for Win7 v2 by Giannisgx89 Luna by Minhtrimatrix Blend 2.0 by Zain Adeel Elegant-Glass-VS7 Astral by Tacony Tribal theme Aero Leo Theme Beak7 by Deskmo __________________________________ Lion Queen theme by tiger2012 Custom gold theme by tono3022 Blue Silver CTX theme by viken Purgatory two by viken Windows 8 Sapphire Verion 2011 by HKK98 OLUJA-THE STORM by CroVrani Purgatory by viken Acrylic by viken Darwin by viken